數學超複雜作業煩 ---> notes被丟掉了囧rz
數學unit test煩 ---> no time to study lah 囧
上法文看到老師就煩 ---> 怕死那傢伙了(大嘆
o well
things don't go my way when I'm too emo or too stressed
and that makes everything even worse (嘆+
1. 說不公平的人又沒種參加 ---> 不知道是不是在說我?!
是或不是都沒差啦.. 既然是個 half-private club, then keep the way it is bah!
2. sometimes u just can't understand how ppl's brain work..
i mean... u get pissed becuz of someone's stupidity -3-"
3. yesterday was a mess!! i mean...
i spend 1 hr contacting the host students and tring to find out where ppl r going.
first they told me to the harbour, then to the school, then meet at SOGO
i mean... wth was going on?
not a single person contacted me to tell me what is going on.
instead of they contacting me, I have to contact them by myself. -_-
what im trying to say is that.. that's NOT how things should work.
if ur 主辦人, then u have to make sure u contact everyone!!!
ok~ fine~ i m not a really close friend with 主辦人 or some other ppl,
but at least they have to contact me to let me know where my penpal and i can go to.
ok whatever
im just being annoyed by some small things happened these 2 days.
4. i also have to say a BIG "THANK YOU" and "SORRY" to 大Connie...
cuz ur doing a lot of work for the project.. thanks so much!
5. 我覺的我有躁鬱傾向.. 我有時候會煩到不知道該怎麼辦才好, 一直哭也沒用
心裡會很煩很煩,而且很急, 可是又說不出我到底是為了什麼事情急成那樣..
而且會很想找事情做例如拼命用筆很用力的在紙上來回畫來畫去,又或者很想用力跳來跳去, 快步走來走去的...
6. and.. one last thing i want to say is..
朋友開開玩笑打打鬧鬧可以, 可是當我說"不要弄我"的時候就麻煩你們不要繼續了
不管是一直拉著又放掉我書包, 又或者是開玩笑的推我下樓梯之類的
當我說"不要弄我" 的時候.. I REALLY MEAN IT!!!
因為有好幾次我真的快要被弄到跌倒了... (要是我真的跌下樓梯怎麼辦囧)
我雖然不會輕易對朋友生氣, 但是這並不代表朋友們就可以一直弄我,然後當我說"不要弄我"的時候還繼續跟我開玩笑
或許我真的是比較嚴肅的人, 可以跟我開玩笑或鬧我,
但是請務必用尊重對方為主來開玩笑或打鬧~並且拿捏好玩笑或打鬧的程度~ 謝謝 @_@
- Apr 14 Mon 2008 20:10