It's a sonnet written for English class...
Hide and Seek
Ah, Have you ever noticed my absence?
Hidden in corners, insignificant.
None of them knew that did I come from whence ---
Hide and seek in dark, I was forgotten.
I devoted all my energy and time,
Lending myself to those who are in need.
I am reticent, yet so friendly and kind
Virtue is its own reward, so true indeed.
I wish not reward but recognition,
Which approves my existence on this earth;
I want not applause but appreciation,
Which approves that my hard work is of worth.
You can't see through me because I'm right here.
Everything's good for something, I adhere.
Ah, Have you ever noticed my absence?
Hidden in corners, insignificant.
None of them knew that did I come from whence ---
Hide and seek in dark, I was forgotten.
I devoted all my energy and time,
Lending myself to those who are in need.
I am reticent, yet so friendly and kind
Virtue is its own reward, so true indeed.
I wish not reward but recognition,
Which approves my existence on this earth;
I want not applause but appreciation,
Which approves that my hard work is of worth.
You can't see through me because I'm right here.
Everything's good for something, I adhere.
I made few changes...
I liked this sonnet, cuz it reflects who I am. lol
今天Wellness好累 = =~
老人家不適合這樣操勞 ||||XDDDrz
Captain game & Cat and mice are cool games but pretty tiring lol
我寄去CUNY的東西 他們到底收到了沒呀?
都不回我email... 奇怪 = =
而是我寄去的包裹去向到底在哪啊?! 囧
火影439話太酷炫了!!! 看到最後幾頁整個很興奮!!!
四代目最後一幕的表情真的好可愛 XDDD