this is just some random self-talk about my attitude towards fan arts in general & Hetalia arts.
It probably won't make any sense to most of you but you are still welcome to read it.
I Just read some comments on a poll being released by an artist that I watched on deviantART.
Many people that wrote the comments said they actually find Hetalia fan art a bit annoying/overrated. I feel a bit sad to hear that *sob sob*, but no big deal. I do respect the fact that everyone has their own tastes. :)
I guess it's the same thing as me being a bit annoyed by tons of NARUTO fan arts being submitted everyday. (NARUTO fan art never dies! I'm serious!!!! LOL)
Oh well, speaking of fan art in general, I do appreciate artists' efforts and hard work, no matter which/what kind of fan art they draw. (
You can tell from artists works if they put in a lot of time and effort or not; or if they are more or less skilled. Yet, I don't like to judge what's good art or bad art. Only the artist themselves can judge it because it's their work.
Fan arts really depends on the artist. Even if I don't know anything about the anime/manga they are making fanworks on, it does not stop me from appreciating their artworks.
Okay, back to Hetalia..... and myself.... *u*
Hetalia really means a lot to me because I felt my drawing skills actually improved quite a lot because of it.
Right now, I admit that I draw because of Hetalia. And this is actually the first time I'm SOOOOO into an Anime/Manga.
Drawing something that I really like usually helps me improve. (And plus, I totally suck at original drawings... yeah~yeah I know.... |||"Orz) It's just like how some people say "you should choose a major that you are interested in for college".
I do put a lot of time and effort into my fan arts... So, yeah, please don't hate them even if you are sort of irritated by them~ :S
Lastly, I feel the urge to shout "PASTAAAAA------!!!!!!"
....... (LOL LOL so random...)
Enough said. I'm gonna do some more readings then go to bed. I hate being sick X____X
- Nov 13 Fri 2009 13:14
some Hetalia talk...