Hmmm.... I guess I'm stressed out... =3=
I know, I know, you may ask me "Aren't you on vacation?"

Yes I'm on winter vacation, but oh well... it's hard to explain. lol

I don't know. I just want to live alone. I hope I can live alone.
Not with roommates, not with my brothers, not with my parents, not with relatives, but myself, alone.

It's really hard to draw stuff that you wouldn't normally draw when you live with someone.

I bought a pair of 軍靴 few months ago. Even my mom was surprised that I dare to wear 軍靴. She thought those aren't my style.
You know why I buy those shoes? It's because I'm pretty rebellious in my heart.
I would call myself an anti-social, cynical nonconformist and I show my rebellious personality through art.

I would draw stuff I don't usually draw when I'm alone because that's how I express my feelings.
(stuff I don't normally draw = yaoi/BL, or anything R-15, eg. a half-naked, tied up boy *_*)
But I'm always living with someone now. and It's hard to just express my thoughts on paper freely when there are always people around you.
I don't want people to judge me. I don't want people to feel like "Ewwww~ Tina draw those kind of stuff??"

I mean, why can't I?
I draw half naked little boys/girls being tied up does not mean I'm a pedophile...
I draw women with only bra and underwear doesn not mean I have a dirty mind... (Yes I'm anti-sexism in media, but it's just... different)
What I draw is art; is my thoughts and feelings and emotions. There's nothing wrong with it.
It's just like how writers and musicians express themselves through writing and music.

It's really frustrating when the majority of people around me are not "responding" to my art.

    ( With few exceptions though---
    dad/mom, 史黛, Roxy, and Cindy, and few others I couldn't think of atm, thank you guys for comments ♥ )

It's almost always people that I've never met in real life responded to my arts:

For example, on deviantART. I only have 6 watchers so far and I know my doodles sucked like hell, but that's enough.
people give me positive comments, added my arts to their favourites, etc. Thank you guys. ♥
And also, thanks to people on Arthur's facebook fan page too. ♥
I know those people won't see this post, but I still want to say: thank you guys for your recognition and compliments. ♥♥♥

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