im still in class now lol
English class lah!

We just took a field trip to 7-11 and I bought 抹茶奶綠 & gummy choco ball.
Then we returned to our classroom, and sat down in our seats.

"Ohhhhh!!!!1" Amy screamed, finger pointing towards the door. "A new student!!!!"
then we all turned our head.
I saw Amy becoming over excited.. (lol)
and then we all stood up & walked toward the door.
Coco & Amy then rushed forward(with excitement) & opened the door.
All four of us & Ms. C also walk out to the carridor to say hi to that new boy.
That boy seems a bit stunned... maybe he was scared by us! hahaha~~~
Honestly, He's quite cute(hot) XDDD
Mr. Shue was with him.. and said that he came from ????? & he can speak abit Korean.
so yeah~
another few seconds, then we returned to our classroom.
that boy reminds me of Max in France
he reminded Coco of Jessie Macar?? (dunno how to spell)

anyways.. haha
we were full with excitement after meeting that guy -_-"
unfortunately, he is going to be in 9th grade, lol.
p.s. I typed all this in like 5 minutes... please ignore all the wrong grammar XDDD

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